Sunday, March 24, 2019

Cover Letter & Synopsis Format

Writing a cover letter and synopsis can be more grueling than writing your manuscript!  Here's a few things we've learned along the way.  First...  The KISS formula applies.  Second...  Don't send editors links to look materials at online.  Third...  Follow the manuscript submission guidelines to the T.

Here are some basic formats for a cover letter  and synopsis that new writers have found helpful.  Feel free to use these formats in your own quest for publication!

Name of editor
Address of editor


Dear  (name of Editor here),

Give the title of the book.  Make sure the title is in CAPITALS.  Give the word count of the book and tell why it will stand out to readers.  Is it a fresh approach to female-driven fantasy?  Say so.

Write one paragraph about the novel.  This is where your blurb (see below) will come in handy.

Tell why you’re writing this book.  Did you grow up in Ireland?  Was your grandmother a writer?  Did you survive a childhood disease?

List any credentials here.  What are you studying in school?  Do you intend to go on to get your Master’s Degree in Irish History?  Did you publish anything previously?  Magazine articles, etc?  Do you have a website dedicated to the study of the mythology behind fantasy?

You would be happy to send copy of the manuscript for review.  Tell where the editor could contact you.  Give your email address and your phone number.  Any correspondences you have with your editor should always include as much contact information as possible.  It’s good to give them options.


Your name
Your address
Your email
Your phone number

Name                                                                                                                Genre
Address                                                                                                            Word Count
Phone Number                                                                                                             


Sentence:  One sentence to entice the editor and to leave them wanting more.

Blurb:  Name your main character (s) and put them in CAPITALS.  Give one paragraph about your novel, including the most exciting or interesting part.  Expand your sentence above to include more details and information about your book.

Synopsis:  In two or three paragraphs, give the basic plot of the story.  Include most of the main characters and put their names in CAPITALS.  Make sure you mention any turning points and complications that arise.  Don’t leave the editorr hanging.  Tell them what happens.  Try to end with a catchy closing.


Monday, March 18, 2019

"All the Feelings All at Once" by Trisha Hall-Muller

Scantic Books is proud to present All the Feelings All at Once by Trisha Hall-Muller

Our first book has launched, and it's wonderful!

All the Feelings All at Once: A Moderately Inappropriate Parenting Memoir in Facebook Posts by a Mom Who Couldn't Make this Sh*t Up if she Tried by Trisha Hall-Muller.
The book is a compassionate and hilarious and wise memoir of being a mom on the verge of needing a padded room while raising a soccer diva daughter and a big-hearted son on the Autism spectrum.